[memo] hostmonster 又來了

實在很懶得罵了 , 不過還是po一下留個記錄 sigh

  又被換IP了阿 .. ______ /



========= 信件 A  =====================================

Dear Hostmonster Customer,

Your account (chrisliu) move has successfully completed.

Thank you again for choosing HostMonster.Com!



  一整各沒頭沒尾 …….. 莫名奇妙的說站被搬走了


  然後我從首頁登入 chrisliu.net

  近去可以到 cpanle 查到IP是



  mysql存的資料是最新的沒錯 , 但是檔案遺失了將近三各月以上

  剛好 … 我最近都沒做備份  凸o凸

  就連上她們的 live chat


Name: segaa
Web Site: HostMonster
Department: Server/Website Unavailable
Question: Your account (chrisliu) move has successfully completed !? but files l

rsorensen [6:09:48 AM]: Welcome to our real-time support area
segaa [6:09:48 AM]: Your account (chrisliu) move has successfully completed !?
                    but files lost

rsorensen [6:10:14 AM]: where do you get this message
segaa [6:10:34 AM]: from e-mail

rsorensen [6:10:52 AM]: from us?
segaa [6:10:57 AM]: yes , like this
Important Migration Details:
Your username and cPanel password will remain the same.
* Migration Date: June 16, 2008
* Migration Start Time: 02:00 PM MST
* Migration End Time: (estimate) 12:00 AM MST
* Old Server IP:
* New Server IP:
[6:11:02 AM]: yes

rsorensen [6:11:02 AM]: ok
[6:11:13 AM]: what is the domain

segaa [6:11:21 AM]: chrisliu.net
[6:11:53 AM]: sub domain http://pic.segaa.net/ lost a lot files

rsorensen [6:13:24 AM]: ok checking
segaa [6:13:35 AM]: thanks ~

rsorensen [6:17:44 AM]: working with an upper level tech to correct
segaa [6:18:20 AM]: ok ~

rsorensen [6:20:57 AM]: they will push the dns to the correct ip address
                        this will resolve in 1-4 hours
                     (我在反應檔案不見了,你跟我講dns 1~4小時會對應..)

segaa [6:21:50 AM]: I can connect the new ip , but files lost

rsorensen [6:23:04 AM]: once pushed it will resolve in 1-4 hours
                     (真懷疑他到底搞不搞的懂狀況 orz)
segaa [6:24:41 AM]: ok ~ I will try again after 4 hours , thanks ~
rsorensen [6:25:01 AM]: your welcome

====== 兩個小時過去 ===========


   不過一樣是三各月前的資料 ……..

   因為我剛有近去改了一些東西 … 結果突然又鬼打牆

   然後一看日期都被回朔到 2月左右的 (最新的檔案就是二月份的 凸o凸)

   看來 live chat 都是傻傻的

   又去 open a ticket

To:  Other
From:  segaaho@gmail.com
Subject:  moved ip !? but file lost ~ ~
Domain:  chrisliu.net
Timestamp:  Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:37:03 -0600

Your new ticket has been sent successfully. Thanks for contacting us!

My website ip had moved from to ,

but in new server , the file is about 3 mounth ago !!!!!!!!!!

And I use Live chat , It still restore the old file back .

Please help me to get back all files

from the server "" at the data "2008/6/17" ,

thanks you ! !

   [希望明天一覺起來有好消息 ,, sigh ….. 損失了將近三個月的圖 … 跟檔案  shit >< ]




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