這次又無預警的連不上了 >< 結果 blog 的圖都出不來 ….
Bill [05:52]: Welcome to our real-time support chat. How can I help you today? If you have Sales questions please ignore the following:
Before I can make changes to your account or give you information about the account, I need you to provide me with your main domain name and either the last four digits of the credit card (or PayPal invoice if you paid with PayPal) or the cPanel password on the account as verification.
Before I can make changes to your account or give you information about the account, I need you to provide me with your main domain name and either the last four digits of the credit card (or PayPal invoice if you paid with PayPal) or the cPanel password on the account as verification.
segaa [05:52]: can's access my web site
Bill [05:52]: I need you to provide me with your main domain name and either the last four digits of the credit card (or PayPal invoice if you paid with PayPal) or the cPanel password on the account as verification.
segaa [05:53]: , http://pic.segaa.net
Bill [05:54]: I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but the server is currently undergoing some file system maintenance. The admins are currently working on this issue and, while it has taken longer than initially expected, they currently estimate about 2 hours before they have it back up.
segaa [05:55]: oh ,
[05:57]: ok I see thanks ,
再來就不知道要講啥了 , 他們就說在維護了 Q___Q
可惡阿 >____________<
就趕快用 RSYNC 開始把資料BACKUP回來 , 現在資料是回來了
但是他們的 Mysql 掛點
mysqldump: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) when trying to connect
想要安全轉移回來還是有問題 真討厭阿 = =
update: 現在好了 , 差不多掛點三各小時 sigh
hinet 真是猛阿 … 連掛 proxy 都可以放廣告 …. 真是服了你了