SAP ALV 使用者特定


很多ALV的报表都需要手动的进行设置格式以使数据看上去更有意义和条理,如果每次进来都重新操作一遍是很烦人的,所以SAP有提供了一个保存格式的功能,保存格式可以是 ‘缺省设置’ 和 ‘特定用户’ 两种 至于这两种功能的激活是在程序中指定的。


在调用显示ALV函数的时候有个I_SAVE 参数

      i_callback_program g_repid
      is_layout          gs_layout
      it_fieldcat        gt_fieldcat[]
      i_save             ‘A’
      is_variant         v_stru_disvar
      it_events          git_events[]
      it_sort            it_sort[]
      is_print           gs_print
      t_outtab           gt_data
      program_error      1
      OTHERS             2.
  IF sysubrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID symsgid TYPE symsgty NUMBER symsgno
            WITH symsgv1 symsgv2 symsgv3 symsgv4.

2.OO ALV 的方式和FUN的有点不同
DATA:g_variant TYPE disvariant.
g_variantreport syrepid.
 CALL METHOD gcl_alv->set_table_for_first_display
      is_layout                     gs_layout
      is_variant                    g_variant
      i_save                        ‘A’
      it_toolbar_excluding          gt_exclude
      it_outtab                     gt_data[]
      it_fieldcatalog               gt_fieldcat
      invalid_parameter_combination 1
      program_error                 2
      too_many_lines                3
      OTHERS                        4.
I_SAVE 参数有四个可选值 分别是 空(两个功能都关闭,只能选择更改不能保存)  X(只保留缺省默认的) U(只保留特定用户功能) A(缺省默认和特定用户都可以),下面是SAP对这个参数的官方介绍。
  • ‘ ‘ = Display variants cannot be saved
Defined display variants (such as delivered display variants) can be selected for presentation regardless of this indicator. However, changes cannot be saved.
  • ‘X’ = Standard save mode
Display variants can be saved as standard display variants.
Saving display variants as user-specific is not possible.
  • ‘U’ = User-specific save mode
Display variants can only be saved as user-specific.
  • ‘A’ = Standard and user-specific save mode
Display variants can be saved both as user-specific and as standard
variants. Users make their choice on the dialog box for saving the

display variant. 



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