HTC diamond 這手機買了快兩年 ,, 刷了不少大大小小的ROM
最後沉迷在 gpower 威能底下
不過 gpower 也幾乎不更新了 ,
最後一個 ROM 畫面

基本上完全符合需求了 , 可以撥接電話、出門在外可以開 papago 導航 、開個 wifi 上上網看看東西
升級不能、 更新無望 身邊的人也一個一個跳 iphone 跟 android
去年就看到有人用外掛的android在 dimond上執行
但是 wifi 不能 、 gPS不能、相機不能 ,, 所以就放棄了
直到最近發現新版的 android 2.1 成熟多了
安裝蠻簡單的 , 基本上抓下 cab檔後一直跑就好了
不過執行很慢要有耐心 … 一度還以為死當了

用了幾天感覺很順手, market更是方便
1. 太耗電 , 使用中幾乎就是燙電力也是直線的消耗 …
2. 有點頓 (雖然習慣了 diamond 跑M2 也是盾阿…)
3. 相機還不能用
除此以外已經可以完全取代 wm6.1 (or 6.5) , 害我好心動想去敗一隻原生 android 2.2 的來用
>__________ <"
[prj][XDANDROID][2.2][AOSP][18.7.10]RC1 RELEASED
android 2.2 也出了 ,, 等成熟一點在裝上去試試看
Known Issues
Many things are still not working properly, and the developers are fully aware of 99% of them.
- SDCard – Most SDCards are working, but if you the ‘waiting for SDCard’ message, you should try one of these fixes (and please let us know if it works)
Fix 1: Format your card with this tool
Fix 2: Edit your startup.txt file and add these entries to your cmdline:
set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77 clock-7×00.a11=500 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=-2,-1,3
msmsdcc_1bit msmsdcc_fmax=14000000 msmsdcc_nopwrsave"
Fix 3: Tell your wife / girlfriend that you are about to make some modifications to her phone… change the ringtone and steal her old Class 2 SD Card to use with Android. She will never discover what you have done, and if she does, you’ll be able to use Android to send texts to your former girlfriends 😉 - Camera – Not working
- GPS – Should be working, but it’s only just been enabled (so could be buggy)
- Battery Status – Highly problematic for most users (don’t trust the capacity Android tells you, it’s simply up and down a lot, and highly inaccurate)
- WiFi – Working for most people, suspected to cause slight heat, definitely drains the battery faster than WinMo. Some users have reported freezes when switching WiFi off
- Audio – Speaker working for most people, microphone can have issues
- Deep Sleep – Working for most people, but can have issues waking up (sometimes, it will not wake up)
- GPRS – Working
- 3G – Working for most
- PIN Code – Not working
- GSensor – Working (Screen only handles 0 and 270 degrees)
- Bluetooth – Experimentally working (don’t expect too much, but it’s working for a number of users)
- OpenGL ES – Not working
- USB – Supported, but will NOT operate in mass storage mode. You can charge via USB and you can debug, but forget accessing your files by it.
- Headphone Socket – Semi working (see FAQ for details on how to make it work)
- Application Errors: It’s very common to see ‘Application (xxxxxx) is not responding: Force Close or Wait’. Click wait. I do not know the precise reason for this, but from what I can gather, it COULD be related to the slow speed of the SD Card causing the app response times to JUST be a little too slow for Android’s liking, thus causing the message. This seems to happen more after bootup or wakeup when the device is busy doing stuff in the background.
- Cannot choose ringtones: This is believed to be caused by the media scanner failing (due to discovering some filenames with none English characters). The best option of all is to use a CLEAN SD Card. But, if you insist on hosting other files on the same SD Card, you MUST make sure they have English character filenames.