List the maker and model number of all planes that can be flown by a pilot in the database, along with the salary range (maximum and minimum salaries) of the pilots who can fly that plane.
List all departure dates and numbers, along with the total crew (ass
employee) salary cost divided by the number of booked passengers, in
decreasing cost order. If there are no passengers booked on a depart
no employees assigned ignore that departure.
Find the names of all pilots who are assigned to a departure using a
the pilot is not known to be able to fly.
找出所有被指派到該班次的駕駛員 但不會行駛此飛機的
memo: 沒幫忙解出來後續 懶懶的
要先從Assigned_To 裡面去抓職員分配到那個日期的那各班次
然後在判斷 那個職員能不能飛那台班機
create table Person (
Name varchar(15) not null,
Address varchar(15) not null,
Phone varchar(12), /* optional */
primary key (Name)
/* Employee Entity Set */
create table Employee (
Name varchar(15) not null,
Salary numeric(10,2),
Emp_No smallint unique not null,
primary key (Name),
foreign key (Name) references Person(Name)
/* Pilot Entity Set */
create table Pilot (
Emp_No smallint unique,
foreign key (Emp_No) references Employee(Emp_No)
/* Plane Entity Set */
create table Plane (
Maker varchar(15) not null,
Model_No varchar(15) not null,
primary key (Model_No)
/* Aircraft Entity Set */
create table Aircraft ( /* subsumes Type */
Serial_No smallint not null,
Model_No varchar(15) not null,
primary key (Serial_No, Model_No),
foreign key (Model_No) references Plane(Model_No)
/* Flight Entity Set */
create table Flight (
Num smallint not null,
Origin varchar(3),
Dest varchar(3),
Dep_Time varchar(5),
Arr_Time varchar(5),
primary key (Num)
/* Departure Entity Set */
create table Departure ( /* subsumes Instance_Of */
Dep_Date varchar(6) not null,
Num smallint not null,
primary key (Dep_Date, Num),
foreign key (Num) references Flight(Num)
/* Booked_On Relationship Sets */
create table Booked_On (
Name varchar(15) not null,
Dep_Date varchar(6) not null,
Num smallint not null,
primary key (Name, Dep_Date, Num),
foreign key (Dep_Date, Num) references Departure(Dep_Date, Num)
/* Assigned_To Relationship Sets */
create table Assigned_To (
Emp_No smallint not null,
Dep_Date varchar(6) not null,
Num smallint not null,
primary key (Emp_No, Dep_Date, Num),
foreign key (Emp_No) references Employee(Emp_No),
foreign key (Dep_Date, Num) references Departure(Dep_Date, Num)
/* Can_Fly Relationship Sets */
create table Can_Fly (
Emp_No smallint not null,
Model_No varchar(15) not null,
primary key (Emp_No, Model_No),
foreign key (Emp_No) references Employee(Emp_No),
foreign key (Model_No) references Plane(Model_No)
/* Equipment Relationship Set */
create table Equipment (
Dep_Date varchar(6) not null,
Num smallint not null,
Serial_No smallint not null,
Model_No varchar(15) not null,
primary key (Dep_Date, Num, Serial_No, Model_No),
foreign key (Dep_Date, Num) references Departure(Dep_Date, Num),
foreign key (Serial_No, Model_No) references
Aircraft(Serial_No, Model_No)
/* Populate DB */
insert into Person
values ('Smith', '123 Elm St.', '801-556-2239');
insert into Person
values ('Jones', '234 Oak St.', '801-552-2943');
insert into Person
values ('Peters', '345 Pine St.', '801-393-2230');
insert into Person
values ('Green', '435 Alder St.', '801-933-2320');
insert into Person
values ('Rowe', '348 Elder St.', '801-343-2320');
insert into Person
values ('Phillips', '395 Pine St.', '801-323-2320');
insert into Person
values ('Gates', '285 Kapok St.', '801-493-2203');
insert into Person
values ('Clark', '223 Easy St.', '801-193-2320');
insert into Person
values ('Warnock', '775 Main St.', '801-303-2222');
insert into Person
values ('Hooper', '456 Maple St.', '313-912-2101');
insert into Person
values ('Edwards', '567 Spruce St.', '801-228-6729');
insert into Person
values ('Majeris', '678 Willow St.', null);
insert into Person
values ('MacBride', '789 Fir St.', null);
insert into Employee
values ('Jones', 50000.00, 1001);
insert into Employee
values ('Peters', 45000.00, 1002);
insert into Employee
values ('Rowe', 35000.00, 1003);
insert into Employee
values ('Phillips', 25000.00, 1004);
insert into Employee
values ('Gates', 5000000.00, 1005);
insert into Employee
values ('Clark', 150000.00, 1006);
insert into Employee
values ('Warnock', 500000.00, 1007);
insert into Pilot values (1001);
insert into Pilot values (1002);
insert into Pilot values (1003);
insert into Plane values ('Boeing', 'B727');
insert into Plane values ('Boeing', 'B747');
insert into Plane values ('Boeing', 'B757');
insert into Plane values ('MD', 'DC9');
insert into Plane values ('MD', 'DC10');
insert into Plane values ('Airbus', 'A310');
insert into Plane values ('Airbus', 'A320');
insert into Plane values ('Airbus', 'A330');
insert into Plane values ('Airbus', 'A340');
insert into Aircraft values (11, 'B727');
insert into Aircraft values (13, 'B727');
insert into Aircraft values (10, 'B747');
insert into Aircraft values (13, 'B747');
insert into Aircraft values (22, 'B757');
insert into Aircraft values (93, 'B757');
insert into Aircraft values (21, 'DC9');
insert into Aircraft values (22, 'DC9');
insert into Aircraft values (23, 'DC9');
insert into Aircraft values (24, 'DC9');
insert into Aircraft values (21, 'DC10');
insert into Aircraft values (70, 'A310');
insert into Aircraft values (80, 'A320');
insert into Flight
values (100, 'SLC', 'BOS', '08:00', '17:50');
insert into Flight
values (206, 'DFW', 'STL', '09:00', '11:40');
insert into Flight
values (334, 'ORD', 'MIA', '12:00', '14:14');
insert into Flight
values (335, 'MIA', 'ORD', '15:00', '17:14');
insert into Flight
values (336, 'ORD', 'MIA', '18:00', '20:14');
insert into Flight
values (337, 'MIA', 'ORD', '20:30', '23:53');
insert into Flight
values (121, 'STL', 'SLC', '07:00', '09:13');
insert into Flight
values (122, 'STL', 'YYV', '08:30', '10:19');
insert into Flight
values (330, 'JFK', 'YYV', '16:00', '18:53');
insert into Flight
values (991, 'BOS', 'ORD', '17:00', '18:22');
insert into Flight
values (394, 'DFW', 'MIA', '19:00', '21:30');
insert into Flight
values (395, 'MIA', 'DFW', '21:00', '23:43');
insert into Flight
values (449, 'CDG', 'DEN', '10:00', '19:29');
insert into Flight
values (930, 'YYV', 'DCA', '13:00', '16:10');
insert into Flight
values (931, 'DCA', 'YYV', '17:00', '18:10');
insert into Flight
values (932, 'DCA', 'YYV', '18:00', '19:10');
insert into Flight
values (112, 'DCA', 'DEN', '14:00', '18:07');
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 100);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 112);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 206);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 334);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 335);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 337);
insert into Departure values ('Oct 31', 449);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 100);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 112);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 206);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 334);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 395);
insert into Departure values ('Nov 1', 991);
insert into Booked_On values ('Smith', 'Oct 31', 100);
insert into Booked_On values ('Green', 'Oct 31', 206);
insert into Booked_On values ('Hooper', 'Oct 31', 334);
insert into Booked_On values ('Edwards', 'Oct 31', 449);
insert into Booked_On values ('MacBride', 'Nov 1', 991);
insert into Booked_On values ('Gates', 'Nov 1', 991);
insert into Booked_On values ('Rowe', 'Nov 1', 100);
insert into Booked_On values ('Clark', 'Nov 1', 100);
insert into Booked_On values ('Phillips', 'Oct 31', 449);
insert into Booked_On values ('Warnock', 'Oct 31', 449);
insert into Booked_On values ('Smith', 'Nov 1', 991);
insert into Booked_On values ('Peters', 'Nov 1', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1001, 'Oct 31', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1002, 'Oct 31', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1003, 'Oct 31', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1004, 'Oct 31', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1007, 'Oct 31', 206);
insert into Assigned_To values (1003, 'Oct 31', 337);
insert into Assigned_To values (1004, 'Oct 31', 337);
insert into Assigned_To values (1005, 'Oct 31', 337);
insert into Assigned_To values (1006, 'Oct 31', 337);
insert into Assigned_To values (1001, 'Nov 1', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1002, 'Nov 1', 100);
insert into Assigned_To values (1006, 'Nov 1', 991);
insert into Assigned_To values (1007, 'Nov 1', 991);
insert into Assigned_To values (1007, 'Nov 1', 112);
insert into Can_Fly values (1001, 'B727');
insert into Can_Fly values (1001, 'B747');
insert into Can_Fly values (1001, 'DC10');
insert into Can_Fly values (1002, 'DC9');
insert into Can_Fly values (1002, 'A340');
insert into Can_Fly values (1002, 'B757');
insert into Can_Fly values (1002, 'A320');
insert into Can_Fly values (1003, 'A310');
insert into Can_Fly values (1003, 'DC9');
insert into Equipment values ('Oct 31', 100, 11, 'B727');
insert into Equipment values ('Oct 31', 206, 13, 'B727');
insert into Equipment values ('Oct 31', 112, 11, 'B727');
insert into Equipment values ('Oct 31', 337, 24, 'DC9');
insert into Equipment values ('Nov 1', 991, 22, 'B757');
insert into Equipment values ('Nov 1', 112, 21, 'DC10');
由於不太清楚題目的目的 假設一下他要的東西室這樣
SQL 語法:
SELECT Maker, Model_No
FROM Plane, Employee
LIMIT 0 , 30